J (otherwise known as "my favorite Greek") and I recently took a short day trip up to The Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival at Boscobel to see Othello. What a great, day!
We lounged around in the morning, went to breakfast and then I got to show off my culinary/domestic skills (which I always love) and packed us a delicious picnic. Then we packed up the goodies (don't forget the bug spray and sunscreen) and dropped Humphrey off at J's place for the day, and headed up to Boscobel. It's about 1 hr 45 minutes from Brooklyn to Boscobel, but it was a nice easy drive, with the worst part the initial getting out of the city part. When we got there the weather was perfect, not too hot or too humid, but gorgeous. We found a nice spot on the lawn to eat our (gourmet) picnic and drink ourselves a little silly with some wine...or maybe he was just extra funny that day...I couldn't stop laughing.
Shortly before the show started we found our seats under the tent for the show. We were in the front row, but thanks to my inexperience, I purchased seats facing the sun (until it went down). Not to worry, though those clever organizers are prepared with free foam visors. Luckily we've been dating long enough that we can wear matching goofy visors together without feeling self conscious.
Whoops couples matching...completely accidental
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