
Thursday, January 15, 2015

One of those days...

Today is one of those days of being unemployed that feels like I'm unemployed and never going to find a job.  It hasn't been that long but it feels that long today.  So what is one to do when they're having a long unemployed day?

Here are a few of my tips in case we're in the same boat:
  1. Change out of your pjs/workout clothes/sweats/college hoodie, comb your hair, put on a little makeup, some nice smelling lotion or perfume.   I find that making the effort to look like I have some place to go makes me feel less like I'm starting at the computer filling in endless job forms online. 
  2. Update LinkedIn profile- I've been putting this one off for a while, but these days, it's a really important tool in the job search. It gives employers a quick snap shot of you without having to read your resume.  Also, add a picture, it makes you a person to them.  Also, I found that updating this made me feel like a person with a purpose, too.  As I apply for jobs it's easy to start to feel like I'm just an application number, but linked in lets you be a human and reminds you that you have skills, and people who endorse your skills.
  3. Make a list of people you know well that you've worked with and contact them.  Odds are you have way more LinkedIn connections than people who could actually endorse your work, but the ones who know you well can not only endorse you, but can also keep their eyes and ears open for opportunities in their network. 
  4. Do some research.  I find that by researching topics in my field, I can feel myself becoming more confident in myself as a candidate that someone should hire.  
  5. Think about the benefits of being unemployed at this moment.  It's hard.  Being unemployed sucks, but for me, it allowed me to have a surplus of time with my family and friends over the holidays without the stress of work.  I try to keep this in mind when I'm feeling dragged down. 
  6. If all else fails, take a break...which is what I'm doing here, lol

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